Movie: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Book: Creativity, Inc.
Album: Hamilton Soundtrack
Threat Level Midnight
The most memorable [thing to happen while working at MoTech] was when Dick decided to take the whole company on a weekend trip to Vegas.
The company was small (I was #6 when I joined) and willing to take a chance on a brand-new developer who was eager to learn.
What does Scott enjoy doing when not working?
Gardening – always trying out a new plant to grow.
What’s on your bucket list, Scott?
How did you know I had a bucket list? There are lots of 10-gallon ones. I use them for container gardening.
If you could change one thing about MoTech, what would it be and why?
I would add an outdoor working environment. It would allow us to enjoy the nice weather here.
What's one place you must visit, that you haven't yet?
Yosemite National Park
G&W bratwurst. Yes, that is a meal.